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- Mid- to Long-term Planning (Strategy)
As a "Future-Creating Company that growth through seeking to enrich people and nature" , we aspire to becoming the enterprise that continues to sought by responding to various demands from society, including achieving carbon neutrality and solving food issues.
In April 2022, we launched our new long-term business plan "Atelier2050" and 6 years mid-term business plan "Vista2027".
1. Review of Vista2021 Stage Ⅱ
◆ Achieved and significantly exceeded all income targets for FY2021 in the mid-term plan formulated prior to COVID-19 (announced in May 2019).
◆ Achieved the operating profit target "¥50 billion" in the long-term business plan "Progress 2030", 9 years ahead of the plan.
(1) Net sales and operating Profit (¥billion)
FY2021 | |||
Actual (A) |
Target (B) |
(A)-(B) | |
Net Sales | *208.0 | 235.0 | *-27.0 |
Operating Profit | 51.0 | 43.0 | 8.0 |
Ordinary Income | 53.7 | 44.0 | 9.7 |
Net Income | 38.8 | 33.0 | 5.8 |
*Including effects of changes in accounting policies(-¥22.9 billion)
(2) Financial indicators
FY2021 | |||
Actual | Target | ||
OP Margin | 24.5% | above 18% | Achieved |
ROE | 19.2% | above 16% | Achieved |
Dividend Payout Ratio | 44.9% | maintaining 45% | Achieved |
Total Payout Ratio | 75.6% | maintaining 75% | Achieved |
Long-term Business Plan "Atelier2050"
1. Overview of Long-term Business Plan "Atelier2050"
Based on the business environment, social issues, and management issues, we went back to our corporate philosophy and formulated a new growth strategy.
To determine our direction and clarify the raison d'etre of the group, we redefined our corporate philosophy as "Contribute to the protection of the global environment and the existence/development of humanity, offering the value sought by society".
(1) Ideal State in FY2050
(2) Business Area
(3) Basic Strategies
1) Deeply exploit and expand business areas, especially for "Information & Communication", "Life Sciences", "Environment & Energy" areas.
2) Pursue sustainable management further
- Attain the "Nissan Chemical Sustainable Agenda*" and expand product/service lines specified in the Agenda.
- Achieve carbon neutrality (SCOPE1+2)
- Cultivate a corporate culture where the future is co-created
3) Renovate management and business foundations
We accelerate the value-creation process by utilizing digital technology.
- We fuse virtual and physical space and by using AI analysis, increase the speed of the value creation process
- We utilize digitalization, automatization, and robotization to focus on creative work.
Mid-term Business Plan "Vista2027"
1. Overview of Mid-term Business Plan "Vista2027"
◆ It is a six-year plan commencing in FY 2022. The first three years from FY 2022 to FY 2024 are "Stage Ⅰ," and the latter three years from FY 2025 to FY 2027 are "Stage Ⅱ."
◆ As a milestone on the way to the ideal state set forth in the new long-term business plan "Atelier2050", we describe our ideal state in 2027 and set a road map for sustainable growth
(1) Ideal State in FY2027
"While existing businesses are robustly driving the business performance, new core technologies* are consistently acquired for expanding and enhancing business areas."
"Sustainability-related initiatives are promoted on an organizational basis and related information are offered internally and externally."
"As the digital foundation is being established, business activities are conducted based on the latest information on clients and markets."
* Microbial control and information science
(2) Basic Strategies
- 1)Deeply exploit business areas and increase marketing ability
- 2)Promote sustainable management
- 3)Strengthen the processes for value creation and joint creation
- 4)Expand the market shares and profitability of existing businesses Performance Materials
(3) Financial Targets (Unit: Billion yen)
Target | ||
FY2024 | FY2027 | |
Net Sales | 255.0 | 285.0 |
Operating Profit | 58.5 | 67.0 |
Ordinary Income | 59.5 | 68.0 |
Net Income | 44.0 | 50.0 |
(4) Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
1) Financial indicators (FY2022-FY2027)
OP Margin | Above 20% |
ROE | Above 18% |
Dividend payout ratio | 55% (Increased from 44.9% in FY2021) |
Total Payout Ratio | 75% |
2) Non-financial indicators (FY2027)
Nissan Chemical Sustainable Agenda (total sales of products and services that contribute to solving social issues/consolidated net sales) |
Maintain At least 55% |
Reduction of GHG emissions | At least 30% compared to FY2018 (Achieve FY2030 Target 3 years ahead of schedule) |
Positive response rate in survey of employee attitude on human resource development | At least 65% |
Percentage of female R&D professionals | At least 18% |
The Group will consistently implement measures based on the basic strategies laid in those plans and pursue our corporate philosophy, "We offer the value sought by society and contribute to the protection of the global environment and the perpetual existence and development of humanity."