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Continuous Improvement of Responsible Care Activities

Responsible Care Management


Responsible Care

In order for consumers to safely and confidently use chemical products that enrich their lives, we engage in Responsible Care (RC) activities, which are voluntary activities. RC activities aim to ensure environment, health and safety (EHS) throughout the entire processes from development of chemical products to manufacturing, distribution, use, final consumption, disposal and recycling. These activities also serve as a form of communication with society through the announcement of their results. Chemical companies in more than 60 countries and regions are working on RC activities. In Japan, the Japan Responsible Care Council (JRCC, current JCIA RC committee) was established by the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) in 1995. We are one of the original members of JRCC. We have also signed the Responsible Care Global Charter, which was revised in 2014, and we are enhancing our efforts in RC activities.

In addition, we have set priority matters related to EHS in all stages of our business activities as our Responsible Care Basic Policy. We have fully shared these basic policies.


Responsible Care Basic Policy

  • (1)Protect the environment and human health and safety, and contribute to the sustainable development of society by striving to understand and continuously improve the impact on the global environment and society through our business activities, products and their lifecycles and supply chains.
  • (2)Prevent to fires, explosions, and leaks, as well as occupational accidents by striving to understand and reduce risks, based on "Safety first".
  • (3)Respond to confidence from society and stakeholders by complying laws and rules of the environment, health and safety.
  • (4)Contribute to the safety and security of society and local communities through accurate and highly transparent information transmission and dialogue about the environment, health and safety.

Date of Revision: April 1, 2023


Nissan Chemical RC Management System

To achieve our RC mid-term plan, we have established RC management system, and we carry out targets management and continuous improvements based on PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle.

We have established the Environment & Safety Committee, which is chaired by the officer responsible for the Environment, Safety & Quality Assurance Department, as the organization in charge of promoting these activities. The committee holds annual meeting, at which its members discuss the results of activities at each laboratory / plant, review all the activities of the Company, and set the RC targets for the next fiscal year.

The results of the discussion are reported to management meeting. The targets of next fiscal year are resolved at the Board of Directors meeting after deliberated and approved at the management meeting.

  • All of our plants have acquired ISO14001 certification, international standard for environmental management system.

Nissan Chemical RC Management System


Promotion of the RC Mid-Term Plan (FY2022 – 2027)

Important issue New mid-term plan (FY2022-2027)
Ⅰ. Thorough Governance 1. Review of Responsible Care Activities
 (1) Safety and Disaster Prevention / (2) Occupational Safety and Health
  • Establishment of a management system
  • Strengthening of monitoring (verification through internal audits)
  • Reinforcement of risk assessment
  • Sharing and utilization of accident cases
  • Implementation of education and training by rank
 (3) Chemicals and products safety
  • Thorough compliance with laws and regulations
  • Continuation of dissemination and training related to the operation of legal and regulatory information and product information systems
  • Thorough management of regulated chemical substances and prohibited substances
  • Appropriate management of purchased raw materials
  • Appropriate management of overseas laws and regulations
  • Thorough logistics safety and compliance with the Product Liability Act.
  • Dissemination and guidance for provision of appropriate product information
2. Strengthening internal controls
  • Revision and thorough dissemination of rules and guidelines
  • Undergoing external evaluation
Ⅱ. Response to Group Major Risks 1. Thorough compliance with laws and regulations
  • Management of chemical substances and grasp of registration applications and notifications of status
2. Environmental Considerations "Reducing Environmental Impact"
  • Management of progress and emission data for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  • Survey and application examination of technological innovation trends toward carbon neutrality
  • Promotion of continuous efforts to reduce waste
  • Management of environmental data and identification of safety risks at each plant and laboratory


RC Audits

RC audits are activities in which the Environment, Safety & Quality Assurance Department inspects RC activities at each plant, laboratory, and affiliated company in accordance with the RC audit guidelines. In these audits, the auditors check whether RC activities, as well as internal audits and patrols, are carried out appropriately and the PDCA cycle is implemented steadily, and compliance about environment, health and safety at each site. Environment, Safety & Quality Assurance Department has established an RC audit program to promote improvements in response to visible or potential risks to environment, health, and safety. In FY2023, total of 17 RC audits were conducted for our plants, research laboratories and affiliated companies.



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