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Data Protection / Privacy Policy

Ⅰ Privacy Policy

Chapter I. Privacy Policy

Nissan Chemical Corporation ("Company") and its group companies listed in 12 below, to which this privacy policy ("Policy") shall apply (including the Company, collectively "Group" or "we") recognize our corporate social responsibility to handle appropriately any information personally identifiable, including a name, address, telephone number, and email address ("Personal Information,") known to us through our business activities and other means. In adherence to the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" ("Personal Information Protection Act") and other relevant laws and regulations, guidelines, and rules, we handle and protect Personal Information with the utmost care as described below.

Regarding the "Individual Numbers" and "Specific Personal Information" (collectively, "Specific Personal Information, etc.") defined in the "Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure" ("My Number Act"), we protect them under this Policy and the "Standards concerning Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information, etc." to collect, use, store, manage, or otherwise handle them strictly according to the My Number Act.

1. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

The Group uses Personal Information provided by you (i.e., our customers, business partners, shareholders, or other persons willing to offer it to us) solely for the purposes listed below, in addition to those separately and individually notified to you. When we intend to use your Personal Information for other purposes, we will obtain your consent unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations (sometimes "laws"). We will not use your Personal Information to analyze your preferences, tastes, and other attributes:

  • For providing the Group's products and services
  • For providing information and suggestions on the Group's products and services
  • For planning and development of the Group's products and services
  • For exercising our rights or fulfilling our obligations under laws and contracts
  • For responding to your inquiries or requests
  • For exercising rights and fulfilling obligations for our shareholders as specified in the Companies Act of Japan and related laws and regulations
  • For implementing various measures to facilitate the relationship between our shareholders and the Company (Those measures include activities implemented by the Company's shareholder registry administrator, which the Company may assist.)
  • For other practices related or incidental to each of the preceding items

2. Collection of Personal Information

For the purposes of use in 1. above, we will collect the following items of your Personal Information by appropriate and fair means:

  • Name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address
  • Employment information (company name, department/section you belong to, title, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address)
  • Information for settlement, such as bank account
  • The information included in our communication with you, details of your inquiries, requests, and comments, and other related information

Unless required by laws or without your consent, we will not collect and use your information of a sensitive nature ("sensitive information"), such as concerning race, beliefs, social status, medical history, criminal record, and the fact of having fallen victim to a crime.

3. Personal Information Management and Security Control Measures

We strive for the appropriate management of your Personal Information to prevent any leakage, loss, destruction and maintain and enhance the protection level to ensure security control as follows:

(1) Creation of a basic polity:

  • To set out this Policy as a basic policy for ensuring the proper handling of Personal Information and notifying contact details to receive and address any questions and complaints concerning Personal Information

(2) Making in place rules on the handling of Personal Information:

  • To make in place internal rules on collecting, using, storing, providing, erasing, disposing of, and otherwise handling Personal Information

(3) Systematic security control measures:

  • To set up the "Data Protection Officer" position and appoint a person or persons in charge
  • To make in place the reporting and communication route for the occurrence, likelihood, or indication of a violation of any laws and internal rules on handling Personal Information
  • To conduct regular self-checks and audits on the status of handling Personal Information

(4) Human security control measures:

  • To provide our employees with training on the handling of Personal Information
  • To specify the confidentiality obligations concerning Personal Information in internal rules

(5) Physical security control measures:

  • To control entry and exit for specific areas where Personal Information is handled

(6) Technical security control measures:

  • To control access and limit to the specific persons in charge and narrow down the scope of Personal Information to be handled
  • To introduce a solution to protect its information system for handling Personal Information from external unauthorized access and the installation of malicious software

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Unless required by laws or without your consent, we will not disclose your Personal Information to third parties (including those located in foreign countries).

5. Entrustment of Personal Information

We may entrust a part of our business operations to third parties, such as deliveries of goods and printed material and administrative procedures for promotional campaigns. In that case, we will conduct the necessary and appropriate supervision on such parties according to the Personal Information Protection Act by, in particular, obligating them to handle the entrusted Personal Information appropriately under a contract.

6. Sharing of Personal Data

We may share your personal data ("Personal Data") in the following manner:

(1) Items of Personal Data to be shared

  • Name, address, telephone number, and email address

(2) Scope of entities with which data may be shared

  • The entire Group

(3) Purposes of sharing

  • For providing the Group's products and services
  • For providing information and suggestions on the Group's products and services
  • For planning and development of the Group's products and services
  • For exercising our rights or fulfilling our obligations under laws and contracts

(4) Party responsible for managing Personal Data to be shared

Nissan Chemical Corporation
Address: 5-1, Nihonbashi 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Representative: Representative Director, President, YAGI Shinsuke

7. Use of Cookies

The Group's websites partially use cookies to provide everyone who visits our websites with the best service. However, we will not collect any information personally identifiable from cookies.

8. Collection of Access History

On the Group's websites, we may collect your access history for statistics and analysis of our websites' usage. However, we will not collect any information personally identifiable through the collection of access history.

9. Requests for Disclosure of Personal Data Retained by the Company

For Personal Data retained by the Company, upon receiving a request for disclosure from you or your representative, the Company will disclose it without delay except for the cases below. When there is no Personal Data concerned, we will reply accordingly.

  • If the disclosure is likely to give damage you or a third party's life, body, property, or another right and interest,
  • If the disclosure is likely to hinder the proper performance of the Company's engagement in its businesses substantially, or
  • If the disclosure violates any laws.

For Personal Data retained by the Company, upon receiving a request for rectification, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to a third party, we will examine the status and address that request according to laws.

Regarding Personal Data retained by the Company, if you want us to disclose, rectify, add or delete, suspend the use or erase, or suspend the provision to third parties, please feel free to contact us below. After verifying the identity of you or your representative, we will appropriately and promptly address that request.

(Contact for requests)

legal_pi@nissanchem.co.jp (Corporate Planning Department of Nissan Chemical Corporation)

10. Contact for Inquires and Complaints

If you have any questions or complaints concerning the Company's handling of Personal Information, please feel free to contact us below:

(Contact for inquiries)

legal_pi@nissanchem.co.jp (Corporate Planning Department of Nissan Chemical Corporation)

11. Revision of Privacy Policy

This Policy may be revised to comply with changes and revisions of relevant laws and regulations, or guidelines.

12. Group Companies to Which the Policy Applies

Domestic group: Nissan Chemical Corporation
Nissei Corporation
Nissan Butsuryu Co., Ltd.
Nissan Green & Landscape Co., Ltd.
Nissan Engineering, Ltd.
NC Tokyo Bay Corporation
NC Agro Hakodate Corporation
Nippon Polytech Corporation
Nihon Hiryo Co., Ltd.
Overseas group: Nissan Chemical America Corporation
Nissan Chemical Europe S.A.S.
NCK Co., Ltd.
Nissan Bharat Rasayan PVT. LTD.
Nissan Chemical Agro Korea Ltd.
Nissan Chemical Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Nissan Chemical Product (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Nissan Chemical Materials Research (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
Nissan Chemical Do Brasil
Nissan Chemical Agro Singapore Pte.Ltd.
Nissan Agro Tech India PVT. LTD.

13. Name, Address, and Representative of Party Responsible for Personal Information Management

Nissan Chemical Corporation
5-1, Nihonbashi 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
YAGI Shinsuke
Representative Director, President

Last updated: November 1, 2024

Chapter II. Processing of Personal Information in the European Economic Area and the UK

This Chapter applies to our customers, business partners, shareholders, and other persons willing to offer Personal Information, those who reside in the European Economic Area (consisting of EU Member States, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein, "EEA") or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ("UK") (collectively, "you"). The Group will appropriately process your Personal Information and strive to protect your privacy in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), the UK GDPR, and related laws and regulations.

In addition to Chapter I, the provisions of Chapter II will apply to the processing of your Personal Information. If any provisions of Chapter I conflict with those of Chapter II, the latter shall prevail.

1. Purposes of Use, Legal Basis for Processing, and Retention Period of Personal Information Obtained by the Group

The purposes of use, legal basis, and retention period of Personal Information obtained by the Group are as follows:

Items of Personal Data Purposes of use Legal basis Retention period
・Name, address, phone number, fax number, email address
・Employment information (company name, department/section, title, address, telephone number, fax number, email address)
・Information for settlement, such as bank account
・To provide the Group's products and services Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a contracting party The period necessary for achieving the purposes of use (The specific retention period will be determined, taking into account the purposes of use, the nature, and the legal or business need to retain Personal Data.)
・Name, address, phone number, fax number, email address
・Employment information (company name, department/section, title, address, telephone number, fax number, email address)
・To provide information and suggestions on the Group's products and services Based on your consent The period necessary for achieving the purposes of use (The specific retention period will be determined, taking into account the purposes of use, the nature, and the legal or business need to retain Personal Data.)
・Name, address, phone number, fax number, email address ・To plan and develop the Group's products and services Based on the Group's legitimate interest to develop our products and services The period necessary for achieving the purpose of use (The specific retention period will be determined, taking into account the purpose of use, the nature, and the legal or business need to retain Personal Data.)

Unless required by laws or without your consent, we will not collect and use your sensitive information (such as your racial or ethnic background, political opinions, religion, philosophical beliefs, trade union affiliation, genetic data, biological data, health data, and sexual life or orientation).

In cases where the provision of Personal Information is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract, you are obliged to provide such Personal Information. In the absence of your Personal Information, we may not be able to provide you with the products or services that you have requested.

2. Transfers of Personal Information to Third Parties outside the EEA or UK

The Group may transfer Personal Information from the EEA or the UK to third parties located in countries outside the EEA or the UK within the scope of the purposes of use. In that case, the Group will take the appropriate safeguards necessary for international data transfers.

Some of those third parties are located outside the EEA and the UK, including Japan. In countries outside the EEA and the UK, data protection legislation equivalent to the EEA and the UK, and the rights given to individuals within the EEA are not necessarily guaranteed. In this regard, Japan is recognized by the European Commission and the Government of the UK as having data protection laws that provide the same level of protection for Personal Information as of the EEA and the UK. And the European Commission issued an adequacy decision for Japan in 2019.

When transferring your Personal Information to third parties other than Japan, we take appropriate measures like executing contracts including standard terms and conditions in the EU or the UK.

3. Disclosure of Personal Information with Third Parties

The Group may disclose your Personal Information to Nissan Chemical Corporation within the scope of purposes of use.

4. Rights of Individuals in the EEA and the UK

(1) You have the following rights over your Personal Information retained by the Group:

  • Right to access your Personal Data
  • Right to request rectification of inaccuracy in your Personal Data
  • Right to request deletion of your Personal Data
  • Right to restriction of processing your Personal Data
  • Right to receive your Personal Data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format
  • Right to object to the processing of your Personal Data (including for marketing purposes)

(2) You have the right to withdraw consent at any time, even after you consent to the transfer to third parties under Section 2.

(3) You have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority with jurisdiction in the country where the Personal Information relating to you is processed (See the list of data protection authorities released by the EDPB here).

5. Contact for Inquiries

The data controller for Personal Information collected from you is Nissan Chemical Europe S.A.S.

For claims of various rights to your Personal Information, please feel free to contact us below:

Data Controller: Nissan Chemical Europe S.A.S.

Parc d'Affaires de Crécy-OOBLactée 69370 Saint Didier au Mont d'Or

Last updated: 1 April 2022

Chapter III. Processing of Personal Information of Residents in the US

This Chapter applies to our customers, business partners, shareholders, and other persons willing to offer Personal Information, those who reside in the United States of America ("US"), including the State of California (collectively "you"). The Group will appropriately process your Personal Information and strive to protect your privacy in compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 ("CCPA") and related laws and regulations.

In addition to Chapter I, the provisions of Chapter III will apply to the processing of your Personal Information. If any provisions of Chapter I conflict with those in Chapter III, the latter shall prevail.

1. Obtained Personal Information

The categories of Personal Information and sources that the Group has collected over the past 12 months are as follows:

Source of collection: Our business partners

Items of Personal Information obtained:

  • Name, address, phone number, fax number, or email address
  • Employment information (company name, department/section, title, address, telephone number, fax number, email address)
  • Information for settlement, such as bank account

Unless required by laws or without your consent, we will not collect and use the following items of your sensitive information:

  • social security number or other state identification number
  • security access code to access your account, password, account log-in information in combination with credentials, details of financial account, debit card number, and credit card number
  • accurate location information
  • racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, or labor union affiliation
  • the contents of your mails, emails, or text messages, unless the Group is the intended recipient of the communication
  • genetic data
  • biometric data

2. Purposes of Use

The Group collects, retains, and processes Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • To provide the Group's products and services
  • To provide information and suggestions on the Group's products and services
  • To plan and develop the Group's products and services
  • To exercise our rights or fulfill our obligations under the applicable laws and contracts
  • To respond to your inquiries and requests
  • For other practices related or incidental to each of the preceding items
  • For purposes disclosed at the time of your provision of Personal Information or otherwise set forth in this Policy
  • As necessary to comply with legal requirements, cooperate with law enforcement and regulatory authorities, prevent fraud, and stop other prohibited, illegal, or harmful activities

3. Retention Period of Personal Information

The Group retains Personal Information only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes of use in Section 2. The specific retention period is determined by taking into account the purposes of collecting and processing Personal Data, the nature of and the legal or business need to retain Personal Information.

4. Disclosure to Third Parties

The categories of third parties to which the Group disclosed Personal Information in the past 12 months and the items of Personal Information disclosed are as follows:

  • Third parties that received the disclosure: Other companies in the Group
  • Items of Personal Information disclosed
    Name, employment information (company name, department/section, title, address, telephone number, fax number, email address), and purchases information

5. Sales to Third Parties

The Group has never sold your Personal Information to third parties in the past 12 months, and we will not sell in the future.

6. Requests Concerning Handling of Personal Information

You have the following rights over your Personal Information retained by the Group:

  • Right to rectification of Personal Information
  • Right to access information on automated decision-making
  • Right to opt-out of automated decision-making technology
  • Right to opt-out of the sale of Personal Information
  • Right to deletion of Personal Information
  • Right to restriction on disclosure or use of sensitive Personal Information
  • Right to non-discrimination
  • Right to know the following information, including your right to request the Group for disclosure:
  • a.The categories of Personal Information to be collected
  • b.The specific contents of Personal Information collected
  • c.The categories of sources of Personal Information collected by the Group
  • d.The purposes of use of Personal Information
  • e.The categories of third parties with whom Personal Information is shared
  • f.The categories of information that the Group sells or discloses to third parties

You may appoint your representative authorized to exercise your rights under the CCPA or equivalent state law.

The Group will respond to requests relating to your Personal Information retained by the Group within a reasonable period of time and to the extent permitted by relevant laws and regulations in the manner below. The Group will verify your identity before responding to your request. In addition, if you request the suspension of use or deletion of your Personal Information, we may be unable to provide services that are available until that time or meet your need. Please acknowledge that possibility before submitting your request.

If you want to exercise your rights under the CCPA or any equivalent state law, we will receive your request by either of the following means:

By using the above form, "Do Not Sell My Personal Information," you may exercise the right to opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information to third parties.

Last updated: April 1, 2022

Chapter IV. Processing of Personal Information of Residing in China

This Chapter applies to our customers, business partners, shareholders, and other persons willing to offer Personal Information who reside in the People's Republic of China ("China") (collectively "you"). The Group will appropriately process your Personal Information known to us through business activities and strive to protect your privacy in compliance with China's Personal Information Protection Law ("PIPL") and related laws and regulations.

In addition to Chapter I, the provisions of Chapter IV will apply to the processing of your Personal Information. If any provisions of Chapter I conflict with those in Chapter IV, the latter shall prevail.

1. Items of Personal Information to be Collected

Items of your Personal Information:

  • Name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address
  • Employment information (company name, division/department you belong to, title, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address)
  • Information for settlement, such as bank account

The above includes the following sensitive Personal Information:

  • Bank account

2. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

The Group will collect, retain and use your Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • For providing the Group's products and services
  • For providing information and suggestions on the Group's products and services
  • For planning and development of the Group's products and services
  • For exercising our rights or fulfilling obligations under the applicable laws and contracts
  • For responding to your inquiries and requests
  • For other practices related or incidental to each of the preceding items

When collecting sensitive Personal Information in Section 1 above, the Group will obtain your consent separately and individually.

The sensitive Personal Information the Group collects from you is necessary for our payment, and we will not bring detriment to your interests through such collection.

3. Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information

According to this Policy, the Group will collect, retain, use, transmit, provide, disclose, or otherwise process your Personal Information to achieve the purposes of use in Section 2 above. The retention period shall be the period of transactions between you and the Group. Personal Information will be deleted without delay upon the expiration of the retention period.

4. Use of Personal Information

(1) Entrustment

The Group will not entrust the processing of Personal Information to third parties outside the Group.

(2) Sharing

The Group will not share any Personal Information with a third party without your express consent. Currently, the Group obtains your consent to share your Personal Information in cases like the following:

  • To share your Personal Information with Nissan Chemical Corporation for mutual business communication
Name of recipient Location Contact point Purpose of handling Handling method Items of Personal Information
Nissan Chemical Corporation Japan legal_pi@nissanchem.co.jp Communication about transactions and related practices Storage, use, processing, transmission, provision, disclosure, and deletion Name, email address, title

The Group may share your Personal Information externally if obliged by law, regulation, or governmental authorities.

(3) Assignment

  1. 1)The Group will not assign any Personal Information to any company, entity, or individual except for the following case.
  2. 2)If Personal Information is assigned accompanying a merger and acquisition, bankruptcy, or liquidation of the Group or any Group company by a third party, we will notify you of the name and contact information of a new company or entity to which your Personal Information is assigned and require that assignee to accept to be bound by this Policy. Otherwise, we will demand that the assignee obtains your consent separately.

(4) Disclosure

The Group discloses Personal Information only where:

  1. 1)Your express consent is given to us, or
  2. 2)It is required by any laws ("statutory disclosure"). In that case, the Group may disclose Personal Information as required by laws and regulations, or governmental authorities.

If permitted by PIPL, the Group may process your Personal Information without obtaining your consent.

5. Protection of Personal Information by the Group

(1) The Group has adopted security measures according to relevant laws and industry standards to protect Personal Information and prevent unauthorized access to, disclosure, use, or modification of, damage to, or loss of data. The Group will take all practical steps to protect Personal Information.

(2) The Group's data security capabilities have met the standards required by labor supervisory authorities and cybersecurity-related governmental agencies in China and Japan.

(3) The Group will take all reasonable and practical steps to ensure that unnecessary Personal Information is not collected. The Group will retain Personal Information only for the period required to meet the purposes set forth in this Policy (Chapter IV) unless otherwise required or permitted by laws to extend the retention period.

(4) Although the Group cannot guarantee 100% complete security of the network's environment, we will use our maximum efforts to ensure or assure the security of the information you send us. If your legal rights and interests are adversely affected by unauthorized access, disclosure, tampering, or injury to your Personal Information arising out of any physical or technical problems or damage to our equipment or hardware on our end, we will assume liability.

(5) In the event of the occurrence of a security incident relating to Personal Information ("Incident"), the Group will notify you without delay of the following details: the outline of the Incident (items of Personal Information leaked, tampered, or lost, and the cause thereof), the assumed impact, countermeasures that the Group has already implemented or is scheduled to do, our suggestions for your self-prevention and risk reduction, and our measures for improvement, and other necessary information. The above information will be provided by email, fax, telephone, or push notification; however, if it is difficult to notify you individually, the Group will issue a public notice about the Incident appropriately and effectively. At the same time, we will report to you on addressing the Incident as required by regulatory authorities.

6. Rights of Individuals

You have the following rights over your Personal Information retained by the Group:

  • Access to your Personal Information
  • Rectification of your Personal Information
  • Deletion of your Personal Information
  • Change in the scope of consent regarding your Personal Information
  • Obtaining a copy of your Personal Information
  • Restrictions of automatic decision-making by information systems
  • Request for interpretation or explanation about this Policy (Chapter IV)

The Group ensures your rights over your Personal Information under relevant laws and regulations, and standards in China and common practices in other countries and regions:

(1) Access to your Personal Information

You have the right to access your Personal Information unless otherwise provided by law.
If you wish to access your data, please feel free to contact the Business Administration Department of Nissan Chemical Product (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. or the same of Nissan Chemical Materials Research (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (in this Chapter, "Business Administration Department"). We will respond to your request within 15 business days.

(2) Rectification of your Personal Information

You have the right to request rectification from the Group if you discover any errors in your information being processed by the Group. If you wish to rectify your Personal Information, please feel free to contact the Business Administration Department. We will respond to your request within 15 business days.

(3) Deletion of your Personal Information

You will be entitled to request the deletion of your Personal Information in the cases below. If you wish to delete your Personal Information, please feel free to contact the Business Administration Department. We will respond to your request within 15 business days.

  1. 1)If the Group's processing of Personal Information violates any laws or regulations,
  2. 2)If Personal Information is collected or used without your consent after your withdrawal of consent or in a similar case,
  3. 3)If the processing of your Personal Information violates a contract with you,
  4. 4)If the purposes of the processing are already achieved or cannot be achieved, or if your Personal Information becomes no longer necessary to achieve it, or
  5. 5)In other cases provided by relevant laws and regulations.

If the Group decides to delete your Personal Information, which is also obtained by third parties from us, we will notify them to delete your Personal Information and have them do so without delay unless otherwise stipulated by laws or the Group obtains specific permission from you.

(4) Change in the Scope of consent regarding your Personal Information

The Group's business functions require specific basic items of your Personal Information, respectively. Concerning our collection and use of additional items of your Personal Information, you may give or withdraw your consent at any time. Also, you may change the scope of your consent given to us by contacting the Business Administration Department. Once you withdraw your consent, the Group will suspend the processing and delete the relevant Personal Information. Provided, however, that your withdrawal of consent will not affect the Group's processing of Personal Information based on your prior consent.

(5) Obtaining a copy of your Personal Information

You have the right to obtain a copy of your Personal Information by contacting the Business Administration Department.

(6) Restriction of automatic decision-making using information systems

The Group will not make a decision solely based on automated decision-making mechanisms, such as information systems and algorithms. In the future, if the Group makes such a decision that significantly affects your legal rights and interests, you will be entitled to seek an explanation from the Group. In that case, we will take appropriate remedial measures.

(7) Request for interpretation or explanation about the Policy (Chapter IV)

You may be asked to submit a written request or verify your identity for security reasons. The Group may also ask you to verify your identity to meet your requests.
If you are not satisfied with our response, you may make a complaint with the Business Administration Department.

In principle, no fees are charged for your reasonable request. Provided, however, that for repetitive requests that exceed a reasonable extent, the Group will charge a fee based on costs from time to time. Repeated requests may be refused in the following cases: despite no basis, it needs extremely burdensome technical measures (e.g., development of new systems or fundamental changes in current practices); there is a risk of infringing the legitimate rights and interests of other persons; or it is entirely impracticable (e.g., the deletion or erasure of information stored on a backup disk), or in a similar case.

The Group will be unable to respond to your requests in the following cases:

  1. 1)If it relates to compliance with obligations under laws and regulations,
  2. 2)If it directly relates to national security or defense security,
  3. 3)If it directly relates to public safety, public health, or major public interests,
  4. 4)If it directly relates to a criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, execution of judgment (or sentence), and the like,
  5. 5)If the Personal Information controller has adequate evidence that your request is made with subjective malicious intent or it is the misuse of your rights,
  6. 6)If it is difficult to obtain consent in the light of protecting your life, property, or other important legal rights or interests, or another individual's interests,
  7. 7)If our response to your request causes serious damage to your legitimate rights and interests, or another individual or entity's rights and interests, or
  8. 8)If it relates to trade secrets of the Group.

7. Method of Transmission of Personal Information outside China

In principle, Personal Information collected or generated in the territory of China is stored in China.

The Group shares your Personal Information with Nissan Chemical Corporation in Japan. (For specific items, see the table below). Your Personal Information may be transmitted to jurisdictions outside China or accessed from jurisdictions outside China with your consent.

In those jurisdictions, the provisions of protection laws for data and Personal Information may differ, or there may be no relevant legislation. In that case, the Group ensures the protection of your Personal Information at the same level as in China. For instance, we ask for your consent on the cross-border transmission of your Personal Information, or we take additional security measures before transmitting your data across the border.

Name of recipient Location Contact point Purpose of handling Handling method Items of Personal Information Method of exercising the rights
Nissan Chemical Corporation Japan legal_pi@nissanchem.co.jp Communication or other practices concerning transactions Storage, use, processing, transmission provision, disclosure, deletion Name, email address, title Email to legal_pi@nissanchem.co.jp

8. Update of this Policy (Chapter IV)

This Policy (Chapter IV) is subject to change.

The Group will not diminish your rights under this Policy without your express consent. The Group will inform you of any changes to this Policy on this (web) page and obtain your consent. If required, we will obtain your consent separately and individually.

When intending to make any material changes, the Group will notify you more conspicuously and obtain your consent. If required, we will obtain your consent separately and individually.

"Material changes" in this Policy (Chapter IV) include, but are not limited to, the following cases:

  1. 1)Material changes in the Group's servicing modes, such as the purposes of the processing, items processed, and uses of Personal Information,
  2. 2)Material changes in the Group's ownership and organizational structures (e.g., ownership change due to business restructuring, bankruptcy, merger, and acquisition),
  3. 3)Change of the principal recipients to which Personal Information is disclosed, shared, or assigned,
  4. 4)Modifications of your rights relating to the processing of Personal Information and material changes to the method of exercising those rights,
  5. 5)Change of a department responsible for protecting Personal Information and its contact details, the contact for receiving complaints, or
  6. 6)Changes, if required to address a high risk pointed out in a report of "Personal Information Protection Impact Assessment (PIPIAs)."

In addition, we will archive all the old versions of this Policy (Chapter IV) for your reference.

9. Contact for Inquiries

If you have any questions, opinions, or suggestions regarding this Policy (Chapter IV), please feel free to contact us below.

Nissan Chemical Product (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. <ncsoffice@nissanchem.cn>

Nissan Chemical Materials Research (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. <enqnsu@nissanchem.cn>

Last updated: April 1, 2022

Chapter V. Processing of Personal Information of Residents in Korea

This Chapter applies to our customers, business partners, shareholders, or other persons willing to offer Personal Information, those who reside in the Republic of Korea ("Korea") (collectively "you"). The Group will appropriately process your Personal Information and strive to protect your privacy in compliance with Korea's Personal Information Protection Act ("PIPA") and related laws and regulations.

In addition to Chapter I, the provisions of Chapter V will apply to the processing of your Personal Information. If any provisions of Chapter I conflict with those in Chapter V, the latter shall prevail.

1. Items of Personal Information to be Processed

The Group handles the following items of Personal Information:

  • Name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address
  • Employment information (company name, division/department you belong to, title, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address)
  • Information for settlement, such as bank account

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Group collects, retains, and uses Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • For providing the Group's products and services
  • For providing information and suggestions on the Group's products and services
  • For planning and development of the Group's products and services
  • For exercising our rights or fulfilling obligations under the applicable laws and contracts
  • For responding to your inquiries or requests
  • For other practices related or incidental to each of the preceding items

3. Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information

The Group retains Personal Information only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes of use in Section 2. The specific retention period is determined by taking into account the purposes of collection and processing and the nature of and the legal or business need to retain Personal Information.

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

To the extent necessary for achieving the purposes of use in Section 2, the Group may provide the Personal Information listed in Section 1 to the Group companies or other third parties located in and outside Korea during the retention period in Section 3.

Specifically, NCK Co., Ltd., and Nissan Chemical Agro Korea Ltd. provide your Personal Information to the Group company and a third party listed below.

Names of recipient Purposes of use and collection by the recipient Items of Personal Information to be provided Retention period
Nissan Chemical Corporation Same as Section 2 above Same as Section 1 above Same as Section 3 above
AMC Semichem Same as Section 2 above Same as Section 1 above Same as Section 3 above

5. Rights of the Subject of Information and Statutory Representative

You and your statutory representative have the right to request the Group for access, rectification, deletion, or the suspension of processing of your Personal Information listed in Section 1 above.

6. Personal Information Protection Officer

The Group appoints a Personal Information Protection Officer who is responsible for the protection of Personal Information and addressing complaints concerning Personal Information as follows:

  • NCK Co., Ltd.
    Personal Information Protection Officer: General Manager of Administration Department
    Department responsible for performing tasks related to the protection of Personal Information and addressing related complaints: Personnel Department
    Contact point: 031-691-7044
  • Nissan Chemical Agro Korea Ltd.
    Personal Information Protection Officer: Director
    Contact point: woo@nissanagro.co.kr

7. Destruction of Personal Information

When your Personal Information becomes no longer necessary due to the lapse of its retention period in Section 3, the achievement of the purposes of use listed in Section 2, or other reasons, the Group will destroy your Personal Information without delay in the following manners:

Procedures for destruction: Personal Information will be destroyed after being retained for a certain period of time following internal policies and other relevant laws and regulations once the purposes of use are achieved.
Method for destruction: Personal Information stored in the electronic file format is technically deleted to ensure that no data can be recovered or restored. Personal information printed on paper is shredded or disposed of by incineration.

Last updated: April 1, 2022

Chapter VI. Processing of Personal Information of Residents in Taiwan

This Chapter applies to our customers, business partners, shareholders, or other persons willing to offer Personal Information, those who reside in the Republic of China ("Taiwan") (collectively "you").

The Group (in this Chapter, it includes only group companies that have contractual or quasi-contractual relationships with you) will appropriately collect, process, and use your Personal Information and strive to protect your privacy in compliance with Taiwan's Personal Data Protection Act ("PDPA") and related laws and regulations.

In addition to Chapter I, the provisions of Chapter VI will apply to the collection, processing, and use of your Personal Information. If any provisions of Chapter I conflict with those of Chapter VI, the latter shall prevail.

1. Items of Personal Information

The Group collects, processes, and uses the following items of Personal Information:

  • Name, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address
  • Employment information (company name, department/section you belong to, title, address, telephone number, fax number, and email address)
  • Information for settlement, such as bank account to receive our payment

2. Purposes of Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Information

The Group collects, retains, processes, and uses Personal Information for the following purposes:

  • For providing the Group's products and services
  • For providing information and suggestions on the Group's products and services
  • For planning and development of the Group's products and services
  • For exercising our rights or fulfilling our obligations under the applicable laws and contracts
  • For responding to your inquiries or requests
  • For other practices related or incidental to each of the preceding items

3. Periods and Region for Collection, Processing, and Use of your Personal Information by the Group

The Group collects, processes, and uses Personal Information manually or through electronic means within the scope of purposes of use in the region where the Group is located.

The Group retains Personal Information only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes of use. The specific retention period will be determined by taking into account the purposes of use and the nature of and the legal or business need to retain Personal Information.

4. Rights of the Subject of Information

You may exercise the following rights under PDPA:

  • Right to access and receive the disclosure of or inquire about your Personal Information
  • Right to request a copy of your Personal Information
  • Right to request additions to or rectification of your Personal Information
  • Right to request the suspension of collection, processing, or use of your Personal Information
  • Right to request the deletion of your Personal Information

Last updated: April 1, 2022

Ⅱ. Standards concerning Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information, etc.

Nissan Chemical Corporation ("Company" or "we") adheres strictly to the Personal Information Protection Act, My Number Act, and other relevant laws and regulations and the Guidelines for Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information (for Private Entities) when handling Specific Personal Information, etc. (defined in "Privacy Policy" above.)

1. Purposes of Use of Specific Personal Information, etc.

The Company uses Specific Personal Information, etc., provided within the scope of the following purposes of use. We will not use Specific Personal Information, etc., for any other purposes.

(1) Specific Personal Information, etc. of customers

  • Administrative affairs related to recording payment of compensation, charges, contract sums, and awards
  • Administrative affairs related to recording various payments associated with real-estate transactions

(2) Specific Personal Information, etc. of shareholders

  • Administrative affairs related to recording the payment of dividends and distribution of retained earnings (Please note, however, that the Company delegates administration of our shareholder list to our shareholder registry administrator (Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited) and does not directly handle Specific Personal Information, etc. of our shareholders.)

(3) Specific Personal Information, etc. of employees (including their dependents)

  • Administrative affairs related to income tax and local inhabitant taxes
  • Administrative affairs related to the preparation and submission of statutory filings concerning the defined-benefit pension plan and defined contribution pension plan
  • Administrative affairs related to preparation and submission of statutory filings concerning transactions in financial instruments related to the employee shareholding association
  • Administrative affairs related to the preparation and submission of statutory filings concerning the asset accumulation savings and financing to the depositors under the asset making plan
  • Administrative affairs related to preparation and submission of statutory filings concerning group insurances (group term insurance, comprehensive welfare group term insurance, etc.)
  • Administrative affairs related to health insurance, employees' pension insurance, national pension, and long-term care insurance
  • Administrative affairs related to employment insurance

2. Management of Specific Personal Information, etc. and Safety Management Measures

In addition to striving for appropriate management of Specific Personal Information, etc., the Company aims to maintain and improve security and endeavor to implement safety management. The Company delegates the administration of our shareholder list to our shareholder registry administrator (Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited) and, in some cases, entrusts collection, storage, disposal of Specific Personal Information, etc., to outside contractors. The Company conducts necessary and appropriate oversight to ensure that safety control measures are taken by the shareholder registry administrator and the outside contractors for the proper handling of Specific Personal Information, etc., in accordance with the My Number Act.

3. Continuous Improvement

The Company makes efforts for continuous improvement in handling Specific Personal Information, etc.

4. Disclosure of Specific Personal Information, etc.

The Company responds to a request for disclosure of Specific Personal Information, etc. from the individual concerned or such person's representative without delay, except for the following cases:

  • If the fulfillment of the request is likely to cause damage or injury to the life, body, assets, or other rights or interests of the individual or any third party
  • If the fulfillment of the request is likely to cause material impediment to the proper execution of our business affairs
  • If the fulfillment of the request constitutes a violation of laws or regulations

5. Contact for Inquiries, Questions, and Complaints about Disclosure

For any inquiries about our disclosure, questions, and complaints about our handling of Specific Personal Information, etc., please feel free to contact us below. After we verify that the inquiry, etc., is made by you or your representative, we will respond to it quickly and appropriately.

Contact for Inquiries

legal_pi@nissanchem.co.jp (Corporate Planning Department of Nissan Chemical Corporation)

6. Revision of Standards concerning Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information, etc.

The Standards concerning Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information, etc., may be revised to comply with changes and revisions of relevant laws and regulations, or guidelines.

Last updated: April 1, 2022


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