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Strengthening of Nissan Group's business base

Creation of a Comfortable Workplace


With recognition of growing concern for a lack of workers due to the declining birth rate and population aging as well as diverse working styles, our Group promotes initiatives that enable employees to work in a highly productive manner and achieve a good work-life balance. We intend to evolve not only how to balance work and life, but also how to set up virtuous cycle which work enriches the life and life develop the work through trial and error.


Work-Life Balance

Indicator Scope Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Target
Average overtime per month non-consolidated Hours 17.7 18.4 17.7 16.5
Ratio of taking annual leave non-consolidated % 71.0 76.0 80.6 85.1 80
Employees who started childcare leave※1 Male non-consolidated People 6 15 24 38
Female People 9 6 11 11
Ratio returning to work after taking maternity / childcare leave ("–": Not applicable) Male non-consolidated % 100 100 100 100
Female % 100 100 100 100
Ratio of high engagement level employee※2 non-consolidated % 17.0 16.2 16.3 15.6
Turnover rate non-consolidated % 1.2 1.5 1.7 2.4
Union members※3 non-consolidated※5 People 1531 1512 1502 1521
Ratio of union members※4 non-consolidated※5 % 100 100 100 100
  • ※1 Does not include those that are still during leave that started in the previous fiscal year.
  • ※2 Surveyed passion and approach to work using employee questionnaire made by external expert company.
    It determines 28 indecies such as autonomous action and positive feelings and measures level of employee engagement.
  • ※3 Data is as March 31 for each fiscal year.
  • ※4 Number of union members/Number of eligible people (excluding management level and those stipulated in the agreement)
  • ※5 Includes some affiliates


Introduction of Various Systems and Measures for a Good Work-Life Balance

We have introduced a wide variety of systems and measures that enable employees to achieve a good work-life balance. Although we have maintained the high rate of employees taking annual leave of 70% or more in recent years, we have further set target that employees take at least 10 days of annual leave and encourage them to take 3 consecutive days of annual leave. We have also introduced a short working hours system to balance cancer treatment and work. We will continue to support more efficient ways of working and taking time off.

Systems for Promoting a Good Work-Life balance
Name Content
Flextime This system has been introduced at the head office, office, and laboratories.
Childcare Leave In the case that certain requirements are fulfilled, an employee may take childcare leave until his or her child is two years old or until the coming April 20 after the child’s first birthday.
Paternity Leave A male employee whose spouse gave birth to a child may take up to seven days of paternity leave (paid) within eight weeks of the child’s birth.
Nursing Care Leave An employee may use up to 20 days per year of annual leave which has been saved up for childcare or spousal care and which is no longer valid.
Shorter Working Hours Specified working hours may be shortened by units of 30 minutes and by up to 120 minutes for looking after children in third grade (elementary school) or younger, family care, and cancer treatment.
Work from Home This system has already been introduced at all business locations.
Annual Leave We have set target that employees take at least 10 days. We encourage them to take 3 consecutive days.
Half-day Leave An employee may take annual leave by units of half days, with an upper limit of 30 times per year.
Planned Leave We recommended 2days of company-wide planned leave and 3days of individual planned leave annually.
Hourly Annual Leave An employee may take hourly annual leave up to 40 hours.
Annual Leave Accumulation An employee may save up a maximum of 40 days of annual leave that are invalid and use them as medical leave, leave for their own sickness, to look after elderly or sick family members or for other similar purposes.
Refreshment Leave (50 years old) An employee may take ten consecutive days of leave (paid) after reaching the age of 50. Financial aid is also granted.
Refreshment Leave (60 years old) An employee may take three consecutive days of leave (paid) within one month from the 21st day of the next month after reaching the age of 60.
Overseas Business Trip Special Leave An employee who travel long hours and return to work on Sunday will be granted 1 day leave (paid).
Family Care Leave In the case that certain requirements are fulfilled, an employee may take up to 365 days of family care leave in total per family member needing care.
Support Raising Next-Generation Children


Based on the "Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children", we are working to improve the employment environment and diverse labor conditions so that employees can fully demonstrate their capabilities while balancing childcare and work. We also encourage male employees to participate in childcare by providing paid paternity leave. We have been granted Next Generation Accreditation Mark (as known as Kurumin) of the Tokyo Labour Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, which evaluates such efforts and certifies as companies that are good places to work that support childcare.

Promotion of Appropriate Work Hours

We are carrying out various efforts aimed at making working hours more suitable.

  • Own working hours rules:
    We set a general rule that overtime work, including holiday work, should be up to 40 hours per month.
  • Introduction of system for work management:
    We have introduced a system to enable such as timely monitoring and visualization of working hours and remaining annual leave, etc.
  • Encouraging employees to take annual leave:
    As a result of labor-management consultations, we encourage employees to take at least 10 days of annual leave every year, including two days of company-wide planned leave and three days of individually planned leave, etc. An annual paid leave calendar is created at each workplace. In addition, for employees who have taken few days of paid leave, the Personnel Department contacts the superiors of such employees and encourages them to take paid leave.

Countermeasures against Harassment

The revised Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment and the revised Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members came into full effect on January 1, 2017. These laws make it mandatory for employers to take measures for preventing harassment by superiors or co-workers related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, family care leave and similar events. In addition, employers have been obliged to take measures against power harassment since June 1, 2020.

We are carrying out the following efforts as measures against harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, family care leave, etc. as well as sexual harassment and power harassment.

  • Three types of harassment are subject to disciplinary action in our rule of employment.
  • We post explanatory materials and consultation services on our intranet to enable employees to access and consult with us at any time.
  • Training related to harassment
    1) Training was provided to all managers in FY2021, and in FY2023, it was provides as mandatory training for all employees.
    2) Under the new personnel system, we conduct training for obtaining basic knowledge on harassment as part of the training before promotion to F4 class (positions equivalent to team leaders at plant).

Introduction of Employees benefits program

We have introduced following employees’ benefits programs to support their lives.

  • Asset formation:
    Employee Shareholders Association (with financial support),
    Defined-contribution pension matching contributions, Asset-building savings
  • Health support:
    Health checkup support (health insurance), Supports gym discount, Support for club activity
  • Support for self-development:
    Subsidy for half of correspondence courses, Free of charge for e-learning courses
  • Nursing care and childcare support:
    Discount of nursing care products and Baby-sitter discount
  • Housing:
    Housing allowance, Company housing, Dormitory for single employees

Dialogue with employees

Nissan Chemical and the Nissan Chemical Labor Union have built a good relationship based on mutual understanding and trust. They strive to improve labor conditions and develop systems through discussions as good partners to the management by taking a range of measures, including holding periodic meetings for reporting business results and initiatives for better work-life balance.

All non-managerial employees, excluding those who have concluded a special agreement with the Company, belong to the Nissan Chemical Labor Union. The number of its members is 1,521 (including those from some affiliates). (as of March 31, 2024)

Name of the meeting Content Number of meetings held in FY2023 Number of participants per meeting
Central Management Advisory Council The policies and financial results of the Company are explained by the management to the labor union members. 2 Company: 5
Labor union: 6
Business Location Management Advisory Council 1) Explanation of the contents of the Central Management Advisory Council
2) Discussions about problems that are specific to each business location
Differs among business locations Executives of the business location
Executives of the labor union branch
Dialogue activities Management and general union members set opportunities to have open dialogues. Union members can discuss issues and problems of their own workplaces directly with the management. 3 Company: 3
Labor union: slightly more than 10
Labor-Management Committee The Personnel Department and executive members of the labor union regularly exchange opinions about a wide range of problems and hold discussions to solve issues. 3 Company: 3
Labor union: 6
Health Promotion Committee Members are selected from the Company, the health insurance association, and the labor union, who discuss measures for promoting good health among employees and other issues. 3 Company: 4
(including medical personnel)
Health insurance union: 2
Labor union: 2



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