Continuous Improvement of Responsible Care Activities
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- Promotion of Safety and Disaster Prevention, and Occupational Safety and Health
Promotion of Safety and Disaster Prevention, and Occupational Safety and Health
Striving to achieve zero accidents and disasters is our responsibility as a company and forms the basis of our business activities. Health and safety serve as the foundation for all life activities, and based on the idea that "safety takes precedence over everything," we have identified “safety and disaster prevention” and “occupational safety and health” as materiality factors of mid-term business plan “Vista2027”. We are dedicated to fostering a safety culture where each employee improves their awareness of danger by checking their surroundings for achieving KPI of “zero accidents requiring staff time off from work”, “reducing number of occupational accidents by half”, “zero fires, explosions and chemical spills”, and “zero safety accidents”. We will consider the occupational safety and health of employees including dispatched workers and contractors as the top priority, to ensure a safe and comfortable working environment.
By continuously implementing PDCA cycle within the responsible care management system, we promote stable operations, improving our process safety capability, prevention of occupational accidents, promotion of workers' health, and creation of a comfortable work environment, and are working to improve the levels of safety and disaster prevention and occupational safety and health of each business site.
Occupational Safety and Health
Indicator | Scope | Unit | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | Target (Year) |
Accidents involving fatalities and major accidents during operations | non-consolidated | Cases | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 (continuation) |
Work-related employee fatalities | non-consolidated | People | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 (continuation) |
Lost-time injury frequency rate※1 (LTIFR) | non-consolidated | ※2 | 0.32 | 0 | 0.99 | 1.95 | 0 (continuation) |
Lost-time injury severity rate※1 | non-consolidated | ※3 | 0.005 | 0 | 0.084 | 0.018 | 0 (continuation) |
- 1 Data from January to December in each year
- 2 Total number of deaths and injuries caused by labor accidents per 1 million actual working hours
- 3 Total number of working days lost per 1,000 working hours
Safety and Disaster Prevention
We carry out prior assessment, process risk predictions, and facility risk predictions by prior assessment for manufacture with the aim of ensuring safety, achieving stable operations, and improving our process safety capability. As a result, there were no accidents such as explosions in FY2023, but there were two fires. Of these, the fire at the Nagoya Plant was caused by an electrostatic precipitator at the sulfuric acid manufacturing facility. This is assumed to be due to a grounding failure caused by a tear in the grounding material of the electrostatic precipitator, leading to the generation of localized sparks. The public fire department immediately extinguished the fire, and there was no significant human damage and impact on the environment and neighborhood. To prevent such small fire from reoccurring, we are thoroughly implementing recurrence prevention measures and deploying measures to all plants and laboratories.
Our plants, laboratories and affiliates carry out various drills and training sessions every year, such as comprehensive disaster drills, earthquake drills, initial fire-fighting drills, communication and reporting training, all taking into account the characteristics of the location and region, and are designed to make us ready to respond to emergencies or accidents in a reliable manner.
Disaster drills (Toyama Plant)
Safety Education
Safety Education at Training Center
We have established a training center within the Toyama Plant to provide guidance on basic facility and work methods to young employees who have worked for the Toyama Plant for less than 10 years. The lecturers are employees of the machinery, electricity, and instrumentation conservation division of the Toyama Plant. While using a model of educational equipment, they teach the importance of safe work methods by actually moving hands. This training, which has been implemented since 1991, has also accepted participants from other plants, and contributes to raising the safety awareness of the entire company.
Group Safety Activities of the Laboratories
Our young laboratory staff (who are in their first, second or third year at the company) engage in activities in each group of each laboratory every two years for preventing work accidents, including safety-related research, discussions and presentations that are aimed at sharing knowledge and raising safety awareness. Under the instruction of their seniors, these laboratory staff members discuss the causes of accidents, countermeasures against them, and other issues based on past work accidents and books, external information, and other materials about HHK※ and safety. At the reporting session, an award of excellence was granted to the group that carried out the most excellent activities.
- HHK stands for Hiyari-Hatto (near-miss incident) and Kigakari (alarming). It means the discovery of near-miss incidents that are not linked directly to serious injuries or accidents but could have resulted in such injuries or accidents.
Analysis of Occupational Accident and Information Sharing
At business locations where occupational accidents have occurred, we conduct a thorough investigation into the causes and plan and implement emergency and permanent measures. This information is compiled as an occupational accident report, and the entire Nissan Chemical Group is working to prevent similar accidents by sharing information and promoting horizontal deployment.
We have made effort to raise awareness of safety activities by publishing occupational safety newspaper. We are also working to prevent occupational accidents at our subcontractors through safety audits.
Since FY2016, we have participated in the Anzen Project (safety project) of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. After the project ended in May 2023, we have been participating in the "SAFE Consortium."
Safety Results
In 2023, there were 6 accidents requiring staff time off from work, and 6 accidents not requiring staff time off from work in our company, resulting in a worsening of the lost-time injury frequency rate, but an improvement in the lost-time injury severity rate. With regard to occupational accidents that have occurred, we are thoroughly investigating the cause and taking permanent measures, sharing information with all plants and laboratories, and promote horizontal deployment to prevent recurrence. We will continue aiming to foster a culture of safety and achieve zero accident by promoting safety activities such as risk assessment, prior-work risk predictions, risk predictions training, HHK, 5S※ and appropriate wearing of protective equipment and by raising awareness of safety through the safety meeting, the occupational safety newspapers and safety education.
- 5S stands for Seiri, Seiton, Seisou, Seiketsu, Shitsuke. These words mean "Sort" "Set" "Shine" "Standardize" "Sustain" respectively.
- 1 Total number of deaths and injuries caused by labor accidents per 1 million actual working hours
- 2 Total number of working days lost per 1,000 working hours
Chemical industry sector: Quoted from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare “Overview of Trend Survey on Industrial Accidents (Survey of Business Establishments (establishments with 100 or more employees) and Comprehensive Construction Industry Survey)”