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Course of Action and Sustainability Promotion Structure


Course of Action

  • (1)Conduct sensible business activities as a member of the international community in compliance with laws and regulations.
  • (2)Enhance corporate value by providing safe and useful products and services.
  • (3)Strive to achieve no-accidents & no-disasters and protect the global environment.
  • (4)Disclose information appropriately with a focus on communication with stakeholders.
  • (5)Create a cheerful and pleasant workplace by respecting the individuality and personality of employees, and promoting their health.
  • (6)Conduct ourselves as good corporate citizens and decent members of society.


Our Group considers that the corporate philosophy “Contribute to the protection of the global environment and the existence/development of humanity, offering the value sought by society.” is the basis of our business activities. We have established Sustainability Promotion Group under Sustainability Promotion & IR Department to enhance our sustainability activities with the mission “to draw up sustainability strategies in response to social trends, to raise awareness of sustainability internally, and to send relevant information”. Sustainability Promotion Group serves secretariat of Sustainability Promotion Committee to tackle global social issues more strategically. This committee which is composed of managing executive officers responsible for divisions and departments meets biannually to discuss sustainability policy, materiality, mid- and long-term plans and annual plans related to sustainability, evaluation of the results of activities, and issues that need to be improved and examined based on the evaluation. The results of the deliberations are approved by the management meeting and submitted to the Board of Directors meeting.

Sustainability Promotion Structure




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