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Strengthening of Nissan Group's business base

Maintenance and Improvement of Employees’ Health


We have established the Basic Health Policy based on the belief that employees’ health is a "foundation that supports sound corporate growth" with the goal of maintaining and improving the health of employees.

Basic Health Policy

Mental and physical health is a foundation that supports sound corporate growth from the viewpoint of the happiness of employees and their families, as well as the trust of the corporate and the smooth operation of the business. We and our employees will work together to promote initiatives aimed at maintaining and promoting health in a multifaceted manner and aim to be a dynamic company.

  1. Employees’ health is based on their own management and we will provide support.
  2. We will implement effective and flexible measures through smooth internal and external cooperation.
  3. We will ensure the proper use and management of personal information and comply with laws and regulations.

Strategy Map 

We believe that realizing improvement of productivity and revitalization of the organization through employees’ mental and physical health and vibrant work environments is a management issue for achieving sustainable growth.

We aim to achieve more strategic health and productivity management by formulating Strategy Map toward solving management issues and implementing the PDCA cycle through evaluation of the status of initiatives and expected benefits.


Conferences / Meetings

Under the supervision of the Head of the Personnel Department, we hold a health conference twice a year which is attended by members of the Environment, Safety & Quality Assurance Department, managers in charge of personnel at each site, and members of the Health Insurance Association to grasp the health status of employees, plan health measures, verify effectiveness, and improve efforts.

In addition, providing the opportunity to hold discussions and exchange views with the labor union, the Health Promotion Committee, which consists of members from the Company, the Health Insurance Association, and the labor union, two from each, meets three times a year, working to improve the level of health and productivity management by also taking the perspective of employees into consideration.

Furthermore, from FY2020, we have also applied our basic health policy to domestic affiliated companies, and have held "affiliated company health meeting" twice a year in which the persons in charge of health promotion of each company attend.

Health Promotion Office

We have established the Health Promotion Office as a dedicated section within the Personnel Department to maintain and promote the mental and physical health of our employees. We aim to further promote health and productivity management by formulating and implementing priority measures and various health measures based on the Basic Health Policy.

General Occupational Health Physician

In order to obtain appropriate advice from experts in planning and implementing company-wide health initiatives, we have placed general occupational health physician since April 2020. They participate in various health promotion initiatives such as attending various conferences / meetings.

Healthcare Professionals

In order to establish a meticulous health management system, we have appointed public health nurses and nurses at our head office, plants and laboratories. They participate in activities to promote health by serving as health consultation desks for employees, creating a hygienic environment in the workplace, and acting as liaisons between occupational health physician and person in charge of personnel.


1. Final expected benefits by health and productivity management

Indicator Scope Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Absenteeism※1 non-consolidated People 6 6 10 9
Ratio of productivity loss by presenteeism※2 non-consolidated % - 20.5 20.7 20.6
Ratio of employees with high engagement level※3※4 non-consolidated % 17.0 16.2 16.3 15.6
Medical expenses per person the Health Insurance Association thousand yen 100 111 112 134
  • 1 Employees that took leave due to personal injury / sickness and mental health in total
  • 2 We evaluated work performance in the past four weeks with work performance that could be achieved when there is no sickness or injury as 100% (Single-Item Presenteeism Question).
  • 3 Deviation standard by external expert company was updated in FY2021.
  • 4 Surveyed passion and approach to work using employee questionnaire made by external expert company.
    It determines 28 indices such as autonomous action and positive feelings and measures level of employee engagement.

2. Physical Health of Employees

Indicator Scope Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Target
Ratio of employees that receive regular health checkup※1 non-consolidated % 100 100 100 100 100
Ratio of employees that receive detailed examination non-consolidated % 64.2 71.4 71.2 69.2 -
Ratio of employees that participate in specific health guidance non-consolidated % 54.6 27.0 43.6 Aggregating -
Employees at high risk of blood glucose※2 non-consolidated People 102 100 90 91 -
Treatment continuation rate for employees at high risk of blood glucose non-consolidated % 58.8 55.0 54.7 45.0 -
Smoking rate non-consolidated % 22.5 21.3 20.0 19.7 -
Ratio of employees with the BMI 25 or higher non-consolidated % 23.7 24.2 25.0 24.1 -
Ratio of employees with optimal weight non-consolidated % 70.7 69.0 68.2 69.7 70% or more
Utilization rate of influenza vaccination support non-consolidated % 71.0 54.5 52.5 53.3 -
Employees that took leave due to personal injury / sickness※3 non-consolidated People 1 2 4 2 -
  • 1 Employees on temporary retirement, etc. are excluded.
  • 2 Fasting blood glucose ≧126 or HbA1c ≧6.5
  • 3 Employees that took leave due to mental health problems are excluded.

3. Mental Health of Employees

Indicator Scope Unit FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 Target
Ratio of employees that receive stress check※1 non-consolidated % 100 100 99.8 98.8 100
Ratio of employees with high stress※2 non-consolidated % 5.5 8.6 8.1 7.8 7% or less
Ratio of employees with high engagement level※2※3 non-consolidated % 17.0 16.2 16.3 15.6 -
Employees that took leave due to mental health non-consolidated People 5 4 6 7 -
Investment non-consolidated million
13 14 14 15 -
  • 1 Employees on temporary retirement, etc. are excluded.
  • 2 Deviation standard by external expert company was updated in FY2021.
  • 3 Surveyed passion and approach to work using employee questionnaire made by external expert company.
    It determines 28 indices such as autonomous action and positive feelings and measures level of employee engagement.


2021 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program (White 500)

We are implementing measures for lifestyle-related diseases, mental health care, etc. to promote the health of our employees in cooperation with the health insurance association. As the result of these efforts, in March 2024, we have been recognized under the “Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program ~White 500~” for eight consecutive years.

  • A program for recognizing "health and productivity management" initiatives with which employee health management is considered from the viewpoint of business administration and put into practice strategically.

Regular Health Checkups

We encourage employees to undergo regular health checkups by targeting a rate of 100%. We achieved the target rate of 100% in FY2023 (Note).

Note: Employees on temporary retirement, etc. are excluded.

Mental Health Measures

The employees’ mental and physical health is a foundation that supports sound corporate growth, and we consider it an important management issue. The results of stress checks and their analysis are reported to the council of managing officers every year with the participation of a general occupational health physician. In addition, we provide Line-Care※1 and Self-Care※2 (including e-learning) Training as necessary, and counseling services available to employees and their families.

  • Stress check (September 2023): Undergone by 98.8% of all employees
  • Organizational analysis of stress check and reporting session: A total fourteen reporting sessions were held for executives at the head office, laboratories, and plants. The analysis and holding of reporting sessions were outsourced to an external specialty company.
  • 1 Care provided by manager / supervisor. It includes understanding and improving the work environment daily and providing consultations to subordinates. The participation rate for this training in FY2022 was 95%.
  • 2 Care that can be provided to oneself. It includes being aware of one’s own stress and preventing or coping with stress.

Lifestyle-related Diseases Prevention

Medical expenses for lifestyle-related diseases (excluding inpatient outpatients and dispensing) accounted for about 40% of entire medical expenses (131 million yen (42% of medical expenses) in FY2022 and 122 million yen (37% of medical expenses) in FY2023). In collaboration with the Health Insurance Association, we are carrying out preventive measures against various lifestyle-related diseases. In FY2022, we conducted specific health guidance for the preliminary group for lifestyle-related diseases, a diabetes aggravation prevention program, and a diet program for people in their 20s and 30s online.

Countermeasures against Second-hand Smoking

As a countermeasure against the revision of Health Promotion Law (enforced in April 2020), the smoking environment of all sites is investigated, and smoking areas that do not meet the legal standards have been refurbished, removed or relocated. In addition, as in the previous year, the Nissan Chemical Health Insurance Association implemented the "No Smoking Challenge" (a system to subsidize employees who try to quit smoking).

Promotion of Women's Health Improvement

In 2021, we launched a project to promote women's health. More than 20 people, mainly general affairs personnel and medical personnel of each site, participate in this project, share women's health issues and discuss on planning and implementing measures. We also conduct seminars regarding women’s health every year.

Measures Widely Taken for Employees

In FY2023, we conducted training sessions with themes such as "Basic Knowledge of Harassment" and "Points for Avoiding Harassment". 93% of employees attended, and in the questionnaire carried out after the seminar, 79% of the respondents answered positively. This training has helped promote the creation of a workplace environment where harassment does not occur.



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