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Continuous Improvement of Responsible Care Activities

Water Resources Conservation


We manufacture products containing water as a component, such as aqueous ammonia and high-grade urea solution (AdBlue®), and also use water for purification, cleaning, and equipment cooling in manufacturing processes. Accordingly, securing a sufficient amount of water with appropriate quality is important for the continuation of our business.

Considering the significance of accessing to water in our business activities, we comply with water-related laws and regulations, thoroughly manage the water withdrawal and discharge at each plant, and cooperate with local organizations. We will continue to work to conserve water resources, such as improving efficiency of water usage.



Use of Water Resources

Indicator Scope Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Water resources input Municipal water supplies non-consolidated Million m3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Fresh surface water (lakes, rivers, etc.) non-consolidated Million m3 25.7 24.8 25.9 25.6
Fresh groundwater non-consolidated Million m3 17.6 17.7 17.8 16.2
Total non-consolidated Million m3 43.4 42.6 43.8 41.9
Effluent※1 non-consolidated Million m3 15.1 14.8 14.3 14.1
Net fresh water consumption※2 non-consolidated Million m3 28.3 27.8 29.5 27.8
  • 1 Water returned to the source of extraction at similar or higher quality as raw water extracted
  • 2 Municipal water supplies + Fresh surface water + Fresh groundwater - Effluent


Efficient Use of Water Resources

The Toyama Plant is a member of the groundwater use council in the Toyama area, a local council that works to protect the local natural environment and promote the sound development of local communities. Promoting the rational use of groundwater is one of the efforts that we are also involved in. These factors mean that we are working on water resource conservation while complying environmental laws and regulations at each plant and cooperating with local organizations.

Water input / Effluent (Million m3)

Shomyo Falls and Hannoki Falls, into which meltwater from the Tateyama Mountain Range flows

▲Shomyo Falls and Hannoki Falls, into which meltwater from the Tateyama Mountain Range flows

Toyama Plant and Tateyama Mountain Range seen from the Ida River

▲Toyama Plant and Tateyama Mountain Range seen from the Ida River




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